Just to get some flavour, the following jingles are among those possible to register @ ist.me:
- abiogenist me
- abolitionist me
- abortionist me
- absolutist me
- abstractionist me
- absurdist me
- accommodationist me
- accompanist me
- accordionist me
- activist me
- acupuncturist me
- adoptionist me
- adventurist me
- aerialist me
- aerodynamicist me
- aeronomist me
- ageist me
- agist me
- agonist me
- agriculturalist me
- agriculturist me
- agronomist me
- alarmist me
- alchemist me
- algebraist me
- algologist me
- alienist me
- alist me
- allegorist me
- allergist me
- alpinist me
- altoist me
- altruist me
- amorist me
- analogist me
- anarchist me
- anatomist me
- anecdotalist me
- anecdotist me
- anesthesiologist me
- anesthetist me
- angelologist me
- animist me
- annalist me
- annexationist me
- antagonist me
- anthologist me
- anthropologist me
- anthropomorphist me
- antiabortionist me
- anticapitalist me
- anticlericalist me
- anticolonialist me
- anticommunist me
- anticonservationist me
- antielitist me
- antievolutionist me
- antifascist me
- antifederalist me
- antifeminist me
- antifluoridationist me
- antiformalist me
- antimaterialist me
- antimechanist me
- antimilitarist me
- antimodernist me
- antimonarchist me
- antimonopolist me
- antinationalist me
- antinovelist me
- antiracist me
- antirationalist me
- antirealist me
- antireductionist me
- antiroyalist me
- antiseparatist me
- antisexist me
- antisocialist me
- antiterrorist me
- antivivisectionist me
- aorist me
- aphorist me
- apiarist me
- apiculturist me
- apocalyptist me
- apologist me
- aquaculturist me
- aquarellist me
- aquarist me
- aquatintist me
- arbalist me
- arborist me
- archaeologist me
- archaist me
- archeologist me
- archivist me
- aromatherapist me
- arsonist me
- artillerist me
- artist me
- assemblagist me
- assimilationist me
- assist me
- associationist me
- astrobiologist me
- astrophysicist me
- atavist me
- atheist me
- atomist me
- atonalist me
- atticist me
- audiologist me
- aurist me
- auteurist me
- automatist me
- automobilist me
- autonomist me
- aviarist me
- aviculturist me
- backlist me
- bacteriologist me
- balladist me
- balloonist me
- banjoist me
- baptist me
- bassist me
- bassoonist me
- behaviorist me
- belletrist me
- bemist me
- biblicist me
- bibliopegist me
- bibliopolist me
- bibliotist me
- biblist me
- bicyclist me
- bigamist me
- bimetallist me
- biochemist me
- bioethicist me
- biologist me
- biophysicist me
- bioregionalist me
- bioscientist me
- biosystematist me
- biotechnologist me
- blacklist me
- bongoist me
- botanist me
- braillist me
- bronchoscopist me
- bryologist me
- bundist me
- cabalist me
- calligraphist me
- cambist me
- campanologist me
- canoeist me
- canonist me
- capitalist me
- cardiologist me
- careerist me
- caricaturist me
- cartoonist me
- casuist me
- catastrophist me
- catechist me
- cellist me
- centralist me
- centrist me
- ceramicist me
- ceramist me
- ceremonialist me
- cetologist me
- chartist me
- chauvinist me
- checklist me
- chemist me
- chemotaxonomist me
- chemotherapist me
- chiaroscurist me
- chiropodist me
- chronobiologist me
- chronologist me
- chutist me
- chymist me
- cinquecentist me
- cist me
- citriculturist me
- cladist me
- clarinetist me
- clarinettist me
- classicist me
- classist me
- clavichordist me
- clavierist me
- clericalist me
- climatologist me
- coalitionist me
- coassist me
- coexist me
- coleopterist me
- collaborationist me
- collagist me
- collectivist me
- colloquist me
- colonialist me
- colonist me
- colonizationist me
- colorist me
- columnist me
- commercialist me
- communalist me
- communist me
- comparatist me
- comparativist me
- completist me
- computerist me
- conceptualist me
- conchologist me
- concretist me
- confessionalist me
- conformist me
- confrontationist me
- congregationalist me
- conservationist me
- consist me
- constitutionalist me
- constructionist me
- constructivist me
- consumerist me
- contortionist me
- contrabandist me
- contrabassist me
- contrapuntist me
- controversialist me
- conventionalist me
- conversationalist me
- cooperationist me
- copyist me
- coreligionist me
- cornetist me
- cornettist me
- corporatist me
- corruptionist me
- cosmetologist me
- cosmist me
- cosmochemist me
- cosmogonist me
- cosmologist me
- counterculturist me
- counterstrategist me
- counterterrorist me
- crayonist me
- creationist me
- criminologist me
- cruciverbalist me
- cryobiologist me
- cryptologist me
- cryptozoologist me
- cubist me
- cultist me
- cyberneticist me
- cyclist me
- cymbalist me
- cytogeneticist me
- cytologist me
- cytotechnologist me
- czarist me
- dadaist me
- daguerreotypist me
- deconstructionist me
- defeatist me
- deist me
- delist me
- demolitionist me
- demonist me
- demonologist me
- demotist me
- dendrochronologist me
- dendrologist me
- dentist me
- denturist me
- deontologist me
- dermatologist me
- desist me
- destructionist me
- determinist me
- deuteragonist me
- deviationist me
- devolutionist me
- diabetologist me
- diabolist me
- dialectologist me
- dialist me
- diallist me
- dialogist me
- diarist me
- dichotomist me
- diffusionist me
- digamist me
- diplomatist me
- disunionist me
- ditheist me
- diversionist me
- divisionist me
- documentalist me
- documentarist me
- dodecaphonist me
- dogmatist me
- dramatist me
- druggist me
- dualist me
- duelist me
- duellist me
- duettist me
- dynamist me
- ecclesiologist me
- ecologist me
- econometrist me
- economist me
- ecoterrorist me
- ecotourist me
- ecumenicist me
- ecumenist me
- editorialist me
- educationalist me
- educationist me
- egoist me
- egotist me
- electrologist me
- electrophysiologist me
- elegist me
- elitist me
- elocutionist me
- emancipationist me
- embryologist me
- emotionalist me
- empiricist me
- enamelist me
- encyclopedist me
- endocrinologist me
- endodontist me
- enlist me
- enologist me
- entomologist me
- entwist me
- environmentalist me
- enzymologist me
- epeeist me
- epidemiologist me
- epigrammatist me
- epigraphist me
- epistemologist me
- equilibrist me
- ergonomist me
- eroticist me
- escapist me
- escapologist me
- essayist me
- essentialist me
- etatist me
- ethicist me
- ethnobotanist me
- ethnologist me
- ethnomethodologist me
- ethnomusicologist me
- ethologist me
- etymologist me
- eudaemonist me
- eugenicist me
- eugenist me
- euhemerist me
- eulogist me
- euphemist me
- euphuist me
- euthenist me
- evangelist me
- evolutionist me
- exclusionist me
- exclusivist me
- excursionist me
- exegetist me
- exhibitionist me
- exist me
- existentialist me
- exobiologist me
- exodontist me
- exorcist me
- expansionist me
- experimentalist me
- expressionist me
- extortionist me
- extremist me
- fabulist me
- factualist me
- faddist me
- fantasist me
- fascist me
- fatalist me
- fauvist me
- federalist me
- feist me
- feminist me
- fetishist me
- fetologist me
- feudalist me
- feudist me
- feuilletonist me
- fictionist me
- fideist me
- finalist me
- fist me
- flautist me
- flavorist me
- floriculturist me
- florist me
- flugelhornist me
- fluoroscopist me
- flutist me
- foist me
- folklorist me
- formalist me
- fuguist me
- funambulist me
- functionalist me
- fundamentalist me
- fusionist me
- futurist me
- futurologist me
- gastroenterologist me
- gastronomist me
- gastroscopist me
- gemmologist me
- gemologist me
- genealogist me
- generalist me
- geneticist me
- geobotanist me
- geochemist me
- geochronologist me
- geodesist me
- geohydrologist me
- geologist me
- geomorphologist me
- geophysicist me
- geoscientist me
- geostrategist me
- gerontologist me
- gestaltist me
- gist me
- glaciologist me
- globalist me
- glossarist me
- glossolalist me
- gnomist me
- governmentalist me
- gradualist me
- graffitist me
- graphologist me
- grist me
- guitarist me
- gymnosophist me
- gynecologist me
- hagadist me
- haggadist me
- hairstylist me
- halakist me
- handlist me
- harmonicist me
- harpist me
- harpsichordist me
- hedonist me
- heist me
- hematologist me
- henotheist me
- herbalist me
- hermetist me
- herpetologist me
- hist me
- histologist me
- histopathologist me
- historicist me
- hobbyist me
- hoist me
- holist me
- homilist me
- hornist me
- horologist me
- horticulturist me
- humanist me
- humorist me
- hydrobiologist me
- hydrodynamicist me
- hydrologist me
- hydrometallurgist me
- hydrometeorologist me
- hygeist me
- hygieist me
- hygienist me
- hylozoist me
- hymnist me
- hyperbolist me
- hypermodernist me
- hyperrealist me
- hypnotherapist me
- hypnotist me
- ichthyologist me
- idealist me
- ideologist me
- idylist me
- idyllist me
- illuminist me
- illusionist me
- imagist me
- immanentist me
- immaterialist me
- immoralist me
- immunochemist me
- immunogeneticist me
- immunohematologist me
- immunologist me
- immunopathologist me
- imperialist me
- impressionist me
- incrementalist me
- indeterminist me
- indifferentist me
- individualist me
- industrialist me
- inflationist me
- insist me
- institutionalist me
- instrumentalist me
- insurrectionist me
- integrationist me
- intellectualist me
- internationalist me
- internist me
- intertwist me
- interventionist me
- intimist me
- introspectionist me
- intuitionist me
- intwist me
- iridologist me
- ironist me
- irrationalist me
- irredentist me
- irreligionist me
- isolationist me
- jingoist me
- joist me
- journalist me
- judoist me
- jujuist me
- jurist me
- karateist me
- keyboardist me
- kineticist me
- kist me
- kremlinologist me
- landscapist me
- laparoscopist me
- lapidist me
- larcenist me
- leftist me
- legalist me
- legist me
- legitimist me
- lepidopterist me
- lepidopterologist me
- lexicologist me
- libelist me
- liberalist me
- liberationist me
- librettist me
- lichenologist me
- limnologist me
- linguist me
- list me
- literalist me
- liturgiologist me
- liturgist me
- lobbyist me
- localist me
- loyalist me
- luminist me
- lutanist me
- lutenist me
- lutist me
- lyricist me
- lyrist me
- machinist me
- madrigalist me
- magazinist me
- maist me
- malacologist me
- malapropist me
- malariologist me
- mammalogist me
- mammonist me
- mandolinist me
- manicurist me
- mannerist me
- mariculturist me
- marimbist me
- martyrologist me
- masculinist me
- masochist me
- materialist me
- maximalist me
- mechanist me
- medalist me
- medallist me
- medievalist me
- melanist me
- meliorist me
- melodist me
- melodramatist me
- memoirist me
- memorialist me
- mentalist me
- mercantilist me
- mesmerist me
- metafictionist me
- metalist me
- metallurgist me
- meteoriticist me
- meteorologist me
- methodist me
- methodologist me
- metrist me
- metrologist me
- microbiologist me
- micrometeorologist me
- micropaleontologist me
- microscopist me
- militarist me
- millennialist me
- mineralogist me
- miniaturist me
- minimalist me
- miscellanist me
- misogamist me
- misogynist me
- mist me
- mixologist me
- modelist me
- modernist me
- moist me
- monarchist me
- monetarist me
- monist me
- monochromist me
- monodist me
- monogamist me
- monologist me
- monologuist me
- monometallist me
- monopolist me
- monotheist me
- moralist me
- morphologist me
- mosaicist me
- motorcyclist me
- motorist me
- multilateralist me
- muralist me
- museologist me
- musicologist me
- mutualist me
- mycologist me
- mycophagist me
- myrmecologist me
- mythologist me
- narcissist me
- narcist me
- narratologist me
- nationalist me
- nativist me
- naturalist me
- naturist me
- necrologist me
- negativist me
- neist me
- nematologist me
- neoclassicist me
- neocolonialist me
- neonatologist me
- neoplasticist me
- neorealist me
- nephrologist me
- nepotist me
- neuroanatomist me
- neurobiologist me
- neurochemist me
- neuroendocrinologist me
- neurologist me
- neuropathologist me
- neuropharmacologist me
- neurophysiologist me
- neuropsychiatrist me
- neuropsychologist me
- neuroradiologist me
- neuroscientist me
- neutralist me
- niellist me
- nihilist me
- noctambulist me
- nominalist me
- nonanthropologist me
- nonartist me
- nonbiologist me
- nonbotanist me
- noncapitalist me
- nonchauvinist me
- noncommunist me
- nonconformist me
- noncooperationist me
- noneconomist me
- nonfeminist me
- noninterventionist me
- nonmonetarist me
- nonobjectivist me
- nonpsychiatrist me
- nonscientist me
- nonsexist me
- nonsocialist me
- nonspecialist me
- nontheist me
- nostalgist me
- novelist me
- nudist me
- nullificationist me
- numerologist me
- numismatist me
- nutritionist me
- obituarist me
- objectivist me
- oboist me
- obscurantist me
- obstructionist me
- occultist me
- oceanologist me
- ocularist me
- oculist me
- odist me
- oghamist me
- ologist me
- onanist me
- oncologist me
- onomatologist me
- ontologist me
- oologist me
- operationalist me
- operationist me
- operettist me
- ophthalmologist me
- opportunist me
- oppositionist me
- opticist me
- optimist me
- optometrist me
- oralist me
- orchardist me
- organicist me
- organist me
- orientalist me
- ornithologist me
- orthodontist me
- orthoepist me
- orthopedist me
- orthopsychiatrist me
- orthopterist me
- orthotist me
- osteologist me
- otolaryngologist me
- otorhinolaryngologist me
- overoptimist me
- pacificist me
- pacifist me
- paganist me
- paleoanthropologist me
- paleobiologist me
- paleobotanist me
- paleoclimatologist me
- paleoecologist me
- paleomagnetist me
- paleontologist me
- paleopathologist me
- paleozoologist me
- palindromist me
- palmist me
- palynologist me
- panegyrist me
- panelist me
- pantheist me
- pantisocratist me
- pantomimist me
- pantywaist me
- papist me
- papyrologist me
- parachutist me
- parapsychologist me
- parasitologist me
- parodist me
- particularist me
- partitionist me
- passivist me
- pastelist me
- pastellist me
- pastoralist me
- paternalist me
- pathologist me
- pediatrist me
- pedicurist me
- pedologist me
- penologist me
- percussionist me
- perfectionist me
- perfusionist me
- periodontist me
- persist me
- personalist me
- pessimist me
- petrologist me
- phallist me
- pharmacist me
- pharmacologist me
- pheneticist me
- phenomenalist me
- phenomenologist me
- philanthropist me
- philatelist me
- philhellenist me
- phillumenist me
- philologist me
- phlebotomist me
- phonemicist me
- phonologist me
- photobiologist me
- photochemist me
- photogeologist me
- photogrammetrist me
- photojournalist me
- photoresist me
- phraseologist me
- phrenologist me
- phycologist me
- physiatrist me
- physicalist me
- physicist me
- physiologist me
- physiotherapist me
- phytochemist me
- pianist me
- piccoloist me
- pictorialist me
- pietist me
- plagiarist me
- planetologist me
- playlist me
- pleinairist me
- plenist me
- pluralist me
- podiatrist me
- pogromist me
- pointillist me
- pointtillist me
- polemicist me
- polemist me
- pollist me
- poloist me
- poltergeist me
- polygamist me
- polygraphist me
- polytheist me
- pomologist me
- populist me
- portraitist me
- positivist me
- postcapitalist me
- postfeminist me
- postmillennialist me
- postmodernist me
- pragmaticist me
- pragmatist me
- precapitalist me
- precisionist me
- preexist me
- prefascist me
- preformationist me
- premillennialist me
- prerevisionist me
- presentist me
- preservationist me
- primatologist me
- primitivist me
- probabilist me
- proctologist me
- progressivist me
- prohibitionist me
- projectionist me
- propagandist me
- prosaist me
- prosodist me
- prosthetist me
- prosthodontist me
- protagonist me
- protectionist me
- protist me
- protozoologist me
- provincialist me
- psalmist me
- psephologist me
- pseudoscientist me
- psychiatrist me
- psychobiologist me
- psycholinguist me
- psychologist me
- psychopathologist me
- psychopharmacologist me
- psychophysicist me
- psychophysiologist me
- psychotherapist me
- pteridologist me
- publicist me
- pugilist me
- purist me
- putschist me
- pyrotechnist me
- quarterfinalist me
- querist me
- quietist me
- racialist me
- racist me
- radiobiologist me
- radiochemist me
- radiologist me
- radiotherapist me
- rallyist me
- rapist me
- rationalist me
- realist me
- receptionist me
- recidivist me
- recitalist me
- reconstructionist me
- recordist me
- recreationist me
- redistributionist me
- reductionist me
- reenlist me
- reformist me
- regionalist me
- relativist me
- religionist me
- relist me
- representationalist me
- repressionist me
- repudiationist me
- researchist me
- reservationist me
- reservist me
- resist me
- restrictionist me
- resurrectionist me
- retwist me
- reunionist me
- revanchist me
- revisionist me
- revivalist me
- revolutionist me
- revuist me
- rhapsodist me
- rheologist me
- rheumatologist me
- rhythmist me
- rightist me
- rigorist me
- ritualist me
- roentgenologist me
- romanticist me
- royalist me
- ruralist me
- sacerdotalist me
- sacramentalist me
- sacrist me
- sadist me
- sadomasochist me
- salvationist me
- sapphist me
- sarodist me
- satanist me
- satirist me
- saxophonist me
- scenarist me
- schist me
- scientist me
- sciolist me
- secessionist me
- secularist me
- sedimentologist me
- segregationist me
- seismologist me
- selectionist me
- selenologist me
- semanticist me
- semifinalist me
- semimoist me
- seminarist me
- semiologist me
- semioticist me
- semitist me
- sensationalist me
- sensualist me
- sentimentalist me
- separationist me
- separatist me
- serialist me
- sericulturist me
- serologist me
- sexist me
- sexologist me
- shamanist me
- shirtwaist me
- shist me
- shortlist me
- silhouettist me
- silviculturist me
- simonist me
- simplist me
- sinologist me
- sitarist me
- snowmobilist me
- socialist me
- sociobiologist me
- sociolinguist me
- sociologist me
- sodalist me
- sodomist me
- solecist me
- solidarist me
- soliloquist me
- solipsist me
- soloist me
- somnambulist me
- sophist me
- specialist me
- spectroscopist me
- speleologist me
- spiritist me
- spiritualist me
- statist me
- stenotypist me
- stigmatist me
- stockist me
- strategist me
- structuralist me
- stylist me
- subjectivist me
- subsist me
- subspecialist me
- suffragist me
- superegoist me
- superlobbyist me
- superloyalist me
- supernaturalist me
- superspecialist me
- supranationalist me
- supremacist me
- suprematist me
- surrealist me
- survivalist me
- swarajist me
- syllogist me
- symbolist me
- symphonist me
- syncretist me
- syndicalist me
- synergist me
- synonymist me
- synthesist me
- systematist me
- tachist me
- tanist me
- taphonomist me
- tattooist me
- taxidermist me
- taxonomist me
- technologist me
- teetotalist me
- telegraphist me
- teleologist me
- telephonist me
- televangelist me
- tenebrist me
- tennist me
- tenorist me
- teratologist me
- territorialist me
- terrorist me
- thanatologist me
- thaumaturgist me
- theist me
- theorist me
- theosophist me
- therapist me
- thermochemist me
- thermodynamicist me
- theurgist me
- threnodist me
- timpanist me
- titlist me
- tobacconist me
- tobogganist me
- topologist me
- toponymist me
- totalist me
- totemist me
- tourist me
- toxicologist me
- traditionalist me
- trailerist me
- trampolinist me
- transcendentalist me
- transcriptionist me
- transformationalist me
- trapezist me
- tribologist me
- trichologist me
- tritheist me
- triumphalist me
- trivialist me
- trombonist me
- tsarist me
- tubaist me
- tubist me
- twist me
- tympanist me
- typist me
- typologist me
- tzarist me
- ufologist me
- ultraist me
- ultraleftist me
- ultramodernist me
- ultranationalist me
- ultrarealist me
- ultrarightist me
- ultraroyalist me
- ultrasegregationist me
- unicyclist me
- unionist me
- universalist me
- untwist me
- urbanist me
- urbanologist me
- urologist me
- utopist me
- vacationist me
- vanguardist me
- vegetist me
- ventriloquist me
- verbalist me
- verist me
- vexillologist me
- vibist me
- vibraharpist me
- vibraphonist me
- victimologist me
- vignettist me
- vineyardist me
- violinist me
- violist me
- violoncellist me
- virginalist me
- virologist me
- vitalist me
- viticulturist me
- vivisectionist me
- vocalist me
- vocationalist me
- volcanologist me
- voluntarist me
- voluntaryist me
- voodooist me
- vorticist me
- votarist me
- vulcanologist me
- waist me
- watercolorist me
- welfarist me
- whist me
- wist me
- wrist me
- xylophonist me
- zeitgeist me
- zitherist me
- zoologist me
N.B. corresponding emails @ist.me will work too.
In fact, only your imagination is the limit.
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